8 Tips To Prepare You For A Sailing Trip

Are you preparing yourself for a sailing trip? If this is your first time on a sailboat, here are 8 tips to help you prepare effortlessly.
Use A Life Jacket And Safety Harness
In most cases, it’s easier to fall out of a sailboat than a motorboat. Therefore, make sure that you have a life jacket when in the sailboat. Most modern life jackets are more comfortable so you should enjoy sailing when wearing one. Make sure your sailboat has a hiking trap and harness so you never fall overboard. Additionally, a harness will keep you closer to the water to avoid the instant boom when you choose to change directions. If you are going on a sailing trip soon I would recommended buying cushions or any other merchandise from Wickenroy Pavitt.
Always Be Prepared For Emergencies
When sailing, make sure there are emergency supplies in the sailboat. You should have enough water and food before leaving the shore. Additionally, make sure there is a comprehensive first aid kit on board. Everyone on the sailboat should know the location of the first aid kit in the event of an emergency. You also need to have a bottle of sunscreen and a few extra hats to avoid any sunburns. Make sure you have eaten some food before going out to sail since sailing on an empty stomach may make you feel seasick.
Assemble A Safety Plan
You have no idea what may happen when you are sailing on a body of water. Therefore, you need to have a safety plan in place and notify someone in the marina about it. You may also give it to a friend or family member at home. When making a safety plan, make sure it has the following information.
• Name
• Contact information (email and phone number)
• Physical Address
• Total number of passengers on board
• Passenger names and contact information
• Type of sailboat such as its name, ID and any relevant registration information
• Itinerary
• Expected time of return
• Signal and communication equipment on board
• The presence of an outboard motor on board
Avoid Taking Alcohol
It’s very hazardous to take alcohol while out on the water. A sailboat doesn’t move like a motorboat but you need to avoid taking alcohol when on board. Note that, taking alcoholic beverages before setting out to sail may affect your reflexes and judgment. These are very important skills to have when you are close to the water.
Be Aware
Most people love sailing because you are moving out on the water using wind rather than a motor. As such, you may be feeling more in tune with nature. Well, you need to be aware of what’s happening around you. It’s a good idea to know every moving part of your sailboats such as the spars and booms. Make sure you check out anything you haven’t tied down. Make sure the boat deck is clear and your sails have been put away safely so there is no risk of tipping. Be on the lookout for coiled lines.
Take A Sailing Course
You need a lot of experience for any type of boating. Remember, you are not the only person on the water so you need to know what’s happening around you.
Learn How To Swim
Most people don’t know how to swim. Therefore, take time to learn how to swim before you go sailing. You also need to learn how to save energy, avoid undertow and rip tides as well as understand how to swim with the current and not against it.
Always Consider The Risk Of Capsizing
Yes, sailboats may be fun but they have a huge risk of capsizing. However, if you are wearing your life jacket, you are going to be okay. Take the time to learn what to do in the event that your sailboat capsizes to avoid any serious issues.